Prenatal genetics resources for healthcare providers
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Prenatal genetics resources for healthcare providers
Genetic risk assessment is an important part of prenatal care. Family history assessment and genetic testing can provide information about health risks for the pregnancy, mother, and child. See the resources below for more information about how genetics and genomics can be used in prenatal care.
Family History Collection Tips & Tools.Provides tips, resources, and tools for family history collection in clinical practice.
Family History Questionnaire. A collection form for medical family history data that can be printed and used in clinical practice.
Pedigree Tool. A template to record a pedigree with standard pedigree nomenclature.
Inheritance Patterns Factsheet. common inheritance patterns of conditions with an underlying genetic component.
Communicating Risk Factsheet.Outlines key points to consider when communicating risk to patients.
Accessing Genetic Services Tool.Lists tools and websites to help find genetics professionals and provides patient talking points about referring to genetics.
Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues
GINA Discussion Guide. Provides talking points and key information about genetic discrimination and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), which protects individuals from the misuse of genetic information in health insurance and employment.
The Value of Family History in Prenatal Care Practice Slide Set. Teaches about the value of family history in general prenatal care with case studies about family history collection and interpretation.
Free, self-directed programs for continuing education credit.
Precision Medicine for Your Practice: Expanded Carrier Screening. Practice facilitating shared decision making and interpreting results for expanded carrier screening with case based scenarios.
Precision Medicine for Your Practice: Prenatal Cell-Free DNA Screening. Learn about the benefits and limitations of cell-free DNA screening in prenatal care.