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Below is a list of mutation-bearing strains characterized since 2003, listed alphabetically by gene. For mutations that have not yet been cloned, the loci are listed as "Unknown" at the bottom of the table.
The mouse genomic variants described in the "Mutation" column of this table have been nominated by the Mouse Mutant Resource as most likely causative mutations. In many instances, the mutation is strongly substantiated due to similarity of the phenotype with previously characterized, similar phenotypes associated with the same gene. Sequencing data are generated to reveal the mutation and in some cases, causation is proven by complementation test or, in rare cases, by phenotypic rescue using a wild-type transgene. In other cases, candidacy of a particular variant is substantiated by our understanding of the candidate gene and its likely relevance to the observed phenotype, and by the presence of a potentially damaging mutation within the phenotypically defined genetic interval. In the latter cases (where complementation or some other type of phenotypic rescue has not been performed), investigators are advised to confirm causation by independent means in their own laboratories.
The extent to which any given mouse model is known to parallel a human disease can be determined by an examination of the relevant literature and is open to scientific inquiry by interested investigators.
Strains marked with an asterisk(*) are available as DNA only. All other listed strains, and additional mutant strains developed before 2003, are available from JAX® Mice.
Stock Number | Gene Symbol | Mutation/allelic series and mutation name | Key phenotypes | Human ortholog and associated human diseases |
002560 | Aars | Aarssti sticky | nervous system, | AARS Charocot-Marie-Tooth disease, axonal, type 2N |
001830 | Abcg5 | Abcg5trac Thrombocytopenia and cardiomyopathy | cardiovascular, | ABCG5 Sistosterolemia |
Agtpbp1 | Agtpbp1pcd Purkinje cell degeneration Agtpbp1pcd-5J Purkinje cell degeneration 5 Jackson Agtpbp1pcd-7J Purkinje cell degeneration 7 Jackson Agtpbp1pcd-8J Purkinje cell degeneration 8 Jackson | neurological | AGTPBP1 | |
009157 | Ank1 | Ank1pale | lethal, color | ANK1 Spherocytosis, type 1 |
Ap3b1 | Ap3b1pe-13J | coat color | AP3B1 Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome 2 | |
008113 | Ap3b2 | Ap3b2m2J | neurological | AP3B2 |
022088 | Ap3d1 | Ap3d1mh-4J | neurological, coat color | AP3D1 Hermansky-Pudlack Syndrome |
005598 | Arsb | Arsbm1J | craniofacial, skeletal, neurological, | ARSB Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (Maroteaux-Lamy) |
006449 | Ass1 | Ass1fold | skin and hair | ASS1 Citrullinemia |
005042* | Atp7a | Atp7aMo-pew3J | coat color, | ATP7A Menkes disease; Spinal muscular atrophy, distal, X-linked 3; Occipital horn syndrome |
007623 | Bloc1s4 | Bloc1s4cno cappuccino | pigmentation, | BLOC1S4 |
Bmp5 | Bmp5cfe-se7J | ear | BMP5 | |
Cacna1a | Cacna1atg-4J tottering 4 Jackson Cacna1atg-5J tottering 5 Jackson Cacna1atg-7J tottering 7 Jackson | behavior, | CACNA1A Episodic ataxia, type 2; Migraine, familial hemiplegic 1; Migraine, familial hemiplegic, 1, with progressive cerebellar ataxia; Spinocerebellar ataxia 6 | |
001678 | Cacna1f | Cacna1fnob2 no b-wave 2 | vision/eye, nervous | CACNA1F Aland Island eye disease Cone-rod dystrophy, X-linked, 3 Night blindness, congenital stationary, X-linked, type 2A |
Cacnb4 | Cacnb4lh-3J | neurological | CACNB4 Episodic ataxia, type 5; (Epilepsy, idiopathic generalized, susceptibility to, 9); (Epilepsy, juvenile myoclonic, susceptibility to, 6); | |
004625 | Car8 | Car8wdl | abnormal movement | CA8 Cerebellar ataxia and mental retardation with or without quadrupedal locomotion 3 |
Cdh23 | Cdh23v-7J | circling, hearing loss, | CDH23 Usher syndrome, type 1D/F digenic; Deafness, autosomal recessive 12; Deafness, autosomal recessive 12; | |
000031 | Cep290 | Cep290rd16 retinal degeneration 16 | vision/eye, | CEP290 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 14 Joubert syndrome 5 Leber congenital amaurosis 10 Meckel syndrome type 4 Senior-Loken syndrome 6 |
008253* | Clcn1 | Clcn1mto-9J | neurological | CLCN1 Myotonia congenita, dominant; Myotonia congenita, recessive; Myotonia levior, recessive |
014631 | Clec16a | Clec16acurt | skeletal, neurological | CLEC16A |
002648 | Cln6 | Cln6nclf neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis | behavior, nervous | CLN6 Ceroid lipofuscinosis, neuronal, 6 Ceroid lipofuscinosis, neuronal, Kufs type, adult onset |
004965 | Clic5 | Clic5jbg jitterbug | hearing/vestibular/ | CLIC5 |
002717 | Cntn1 | Cntn1m1J mutation 1 Jackson | neurological | CNTN1 Myopathy, congenital, Compton-North |
010823 | Cntnap1 | Cntnap1shm-5J | neurological | CNTNAP1 |
Col2a1 | Col2a1M2J Col2a1M3J mutation 3 Jackson | craniofacial, craniofacial behavior, eye/vision, | COL2A1 Achondrogenesis, type II or hypochondrogenesis | |
Dab1 | Dab1scm-3J | neurological/behavioral: | DAB1 | |
004196* | Dcc | Dcckanga kanga | behavior, nervous system, | DCC Colorectal cancer Mirror movements, congenital |
005040 | Dll3 | Dll3pu-J | tail, skeleton | DLL3 Spondylocostal dysostosis, autosomal recessive, 1 |
Dscam | Dscamdel17 deletion in exon 17 Dscam2J 2 Jackson Dscam3J 3 Jackson | mortality/aging, nervous | DSCAM | |
005543 | Duox2 | Duox2thyd dual oxidase 2; thyroid dishormonogenesis | endocrine, metabolic, hearing, skeletal | DUOX2 Thyroid dyshormonogenesis 6 |
005135 | Edn3 (unproven) | Edn3 Sls semidominant lethal spotting | color spotting, | EDN3 (presumed) Central hypoventilation syndrome, congenital; Waardenburg syndrome, type 4B; (Hirschsprung disease, susceptibility to, 4) |
006045 | Eif3c | Eif3cXsl | skeletal, color spotting | EIF3C |
012810 | Enpp1 | Enpp1asj ages with stiffened joints | skeletal | ENPP1 Arterial calcification, generalized, of infancy Hypophosphatemic rickets, autosomal recessive, 2 Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament of spine (Diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent, susceptibility to) (Obesity, susceptibility to) |
Epha4 | Epha4rb | neurological/behavioral: | EPHA4 | |
004774 | Fam83g | Fam83gwly | skin and hair | FAM83G |
021490 | Fbn2 | Fbn2fp-4J | skeleton, limbs & digits, eye | FBN2 Contractural arachnodactyly, congenital Macular degeneration, early-onset |
005412 | Fgfr1 | Fgfr1Eask | craniofacial | FGFR1 Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism Jackson-Weiss syndrome Kallman syndrome 2 Osteoglophonic dysplasia Pfeiffer syndrome Trigonocephaly 1 |
014182 | Fgfr3 | Fgfr3m1J | skeletal, hearing | FGFR3 Achondroplasia; Bladder cancer, somatic; CATSHL syndrome; Cervical cancer, somatic; Colorectal cancer, somatic; Crouzon syndrome with acanthosis nigricans; Hypochondroplasia; LADD syndrome; Muenke syndrome; Nevus, keratinocytic, nonepidermolytic; Spermatocytic seminoma, somatic; Thanatophoric dysplasia, type I; Thanatophoric dysplasia, type II; |
016195 | Foxn1 | Foxn1nu-2J | athymic, skin, hair | FOXN1 T-cell immunodeficiency, congenital alopecia, and nail dystrophy |
006857 | Frem2 | Frem2ne | eye, skeleton, coat color, kidney | FREM2 Fraser syndrome |
003613 | Galc | Galctwi-5J | neurological | GALC Krabbe disease |
014183 021333 | Gdf5 | Gdf5bp-4J | skeletal | GDF5 |
006795 | Gnat2 | Gnat2cpfl3 cone photoreceptor function loss 3 | Vision/eye, nervous | GNAT2 Achromatopsia-4 |
004688* | Grem1 | Grem1ld-3J | skeletal defects, limbs | GREM1 |
014101 | Grhl1 | Grhl1m1J | skin and hair | GRHL1 |
005344* 021782 017687 | Grid2 | Grid2ho-15J | neurological/behavioral: | GRID2 |
Grm1 | Grm1rcw | neurological, behavioral | GRM1 | |
005354 | Gulo | Gulo sfx-2J spontaneous fracture 2 Jackson | skeletal | GULOP (Gulo pseudogene) hypoascorbemia |
005898 | Hcn2 | Hcn2trills tremor and reduced lifespan | neurological | HCN2 |
008723 | Hcn2trls-2J | |||
Hmx1 | Hmx1dmbo dumbo Hmx1mpe misplaced ears | craniofacial, vision/eye, | HMX1 Oculoauricula syndrome | |
Hps3 | Hps3coa-7J | coat color | HPS3 Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 3 | |
000577 | Hps5 | Hps5ru2 ruby eye 2 | coat color | HPS5 Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 5 |
Hps6 | Hps6ru ruby-eye Hps6ru-7J ruby-eye 7 Jackson Hps6ru-8J ruby-eye 8 Jackson | coat color | HPS6 Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 6 | |
021500 | Hr | Hrrh-10J | hair, integument | HR Alopecia universalis Atrichia with papular lesions Hypotrichosis, hereditary, Marie Unna type 1 |
006428 | Hydin | Hydinhyrh | craniofacial | HYDIN |
001768 | Irs1 | Irs1Sml small | growth/size, | IRS1 (Coronary artery disease, susceptibility to) Diabetes mellitus, noninsulin-dependent) |
013589 016099 014106 014105 | Kcnn2 | Kcnn2bc-6J | neurological, ataxia and tremor | KCNN2 |
Kcnq1 | Kcnq1vtg-2J | head tossing/bobbing, | KCNQ1 Atrial fibrillation, familial, 3; Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome; Short QT syndrome-2; Long QT syndrome-1; (Long QT syndrome 1, acquired, susceptibility to) | |
Kit | Kitw-20J dominant spotting 20 Jackson Kitw-39J dominant spotting 39 Jackson Kitw-40J dominant spotting 40 Jackson Kitw-41J dominant spotting 41 Jackson Kitw-73J dominant spotting 73 Jackson Kitw-85J dominant spotting 85 Jackson | pigmentation, integument, | KIT Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, somatic Germ cell tumors Leukemia, acute myeloid Mast cell leukemia Mastocytosis with associated hematologic disorder Piebaldism | |
Kitl | KitlSl-21J | coat color and | KITLG Hyperpigmentation, familial progressive, 2 (Skin/hair/eye pigmentation 7, blond/brown hair) | |
017307* 022312 021060 | Krt71 | Krt71Ca-17J | hair | KRT71 |
Krt71 (unproven) | calre | Hair, curly coat | KRT71 (presumed) | |
009692* | Lama2 | Lama2dy-8J | neuromuscular | LAMA2 Muscular dystrophy, congenital merosin-deficient Muscular dystrophy, congenital, due to partial LAMA2 deficiency |
008581 | Large | Largemyd-3J | craniofacial, | LARGE Muscular dystrophy-dystroglycanopathy (congenital with brain and eye anomalies), type A, 6 Muscular dystrophy-dystroglycanopathy (congenital with mental retardation), type B, 6 |
013716 | Lhfpl2 | Lhfpl2vgim | reproductive | LHFPL2 |
005638 | Lhfpl5 | Lhfpl5hscy-2J | hearing, vestibular, | LHFPL5 Deafness, autosomal recessive 67 |
001934 | Lmna | LmnaDhe disheveled hair and ear | craniofacial, small ears, | LMNA Cardiomyopathy, dilated, 1A |
Lmx1a | Lmx1adr-J LIM homeobox transcription factor 1 alpha; dreher Jackson Lmx1adr-3J LIM homeobox transcription factor 1 alpha; dreher 3 Jackson Lmx1adr-4J LIM homeobox transcription factor 1 alpha; dreher 4 Jackson Lmx1adr-6J LIM homeobox transcription factor 1 alpha; dreher 6 Jackson Lmx1adr-8J LIM homeobox transcription factor 1 alpha; dreher 8 Jackson Lmx1a dr-10J dreher 10 Jackson Lmx1adr-11J | circling/hearing loss/ | LMX1A | |
Lrp4 | Lrp4mdig | craniofacial, teeth, | LRP4 Cenani-Lenz syndactyly syndrome; Sclerosteosis 2 | |
006126* | Lyst | Lystbg-16J | coat color | LYST Chediak-Higashi syndrome |
012874 | Map3k11 | Map3k11m1J | integument, teeth | MAP3K11 |
005226 | Mbp | Mbpshi-J | neurological | MBP |
007710 | Mmp14 | Mmp14sabe | craniofacial, small body, shortened lifespan | MMP14 |
010494 | Mpz | Mpzttrr | neuromuscular | MPZ Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, dominant intermediate 3 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, type 1B Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, type 2I Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, type 2J Dejerine-Sottas disease Neuropahy, congenital hypomyelinating Roussy-Levy syndrome |
Myo5a | Myo5ad-l32J | pigmentation, | MYO5A Griscelli syndrome, type 1 | |
Myo6 | Myo6sv-2J | circling/head bobbing/ deafness; | MYO6 Deafness, autosomal dominant 22 Deafness, autosomal dominant 22, with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Deafness, autosomal recessive 37 | |
022311 | Myo7a | Myo7ash1-13J | neurological | MYO7A |
024583 | Myo10 | Myo10m1J | pigmentation, integument, vision, limbs/digits | MYO10 |
005218* | Myo15 | Myo15sh2-3J | neurological/behavioral: | MYO15A Deafness, autosomal recessive 3 |
001035 | Napa | Napahyh hydrocephaly with hop gait | NAPA | |
005330 | Notch3 | Notch3hpbk | skeletal, neuromuscular | NOTCH3 |
Pending | Nox3 | Nox3het head tilt Nox3het-2J head tilt 2 Jackson Nox3het-3J head tilt 3 Jackson Nox3het-4J head tilt 4 Jackson Nox3het-5J head tilt 5 Jackson | behavior, hearing, | NOX3 |
003961 | Noxo1 | Noxo1hslt | balance deficit | NOXO1 |
004521 | Nppc | Nppclbab | size, skeletal, limbs | NPPC |
Npr2 | Npr2cn-2J | skeletal defects, | NPR2 Acromesomelic dysplasia, Maroteaux type | |
Npr3 | Npr3lgj-3J | skeletal/limbs | NPR3 Hypertension, salt-resistant | |
Oca2 | Oca2p-18J | pigmentation | OCA2 Albinism, brown oculocutaneous Albinism, oculocutaneous, type II (Oculocutaneous albinism, type II, modifier of) | |
006128 | Otof | Otofdeaf5Jcs deaf 5 John C. Schimenti | Hearing, vestibular, | OTOF Auditory neuropathy, autosomal recessive, 1 Deafness, autosomal recessive 9 |
000531 | Otx1 | Otx1jv | circling, head bobbing | OTX1 |
012853* | Pax3(unproven) | Splchl2 | color spotting and | PAX3 (presumed) Craniofacial-deafness-hand syndrome Rhabdomyosarcoma 2, alveolar Waardenburg syndrome, type 1 Waardenburg syndrome, type 3 |
004622* | Pcdh15 | Pcdh15av-jfb | circling,head-bobbing, | PCDH15 Usher syndrome, type 1D/F digenic; Usher syndrome, type 1F; Deafness, autosomal recessive 23 |
003678 | Pde6c | Pde6ccpfl1 cone photoreceptor function loss 1 | vision/eye, | PDE6C Cone dystrophy 4 |
004235 011079 | Pfas | PfasSofa | craniofacial | PFAS |
Phex | PhexHyp Hypophosphatemia PhexHyp-2J Hypophosphatemia 2 Jackson | craniofacial, growth/ | PHEX | |
012624 | Pld4 | Pld4thss | hair and body size | |
021550 | Pmp22 | Pmp22Tr-2J | neurological | PMP22 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease Dejerine-Sottas disease Inflammatory demyelinating Neuropathy Recurrent neuropathy with pressure palsies Roussy-Levy syndrome |
007782 | Pofut1 | Pofut1cax compact axial skeleton | skeleton, growth/size, | POFUT1 |
004406 | Pou3f4 | Pou3f4del-J | behavior/neurological/ | POUF3F4 Deafness, X-linked 2 |
007971 | Ppp1r13l | Ppp1r13lwa3-J | Hair and eye | PPP1R13L |
008568 026195 | Prkra | Prkralear | smaller ear pinna and | PRKRA Dystonia 16 |
005089 | Qk | Qkqk-2J | Neurological | QKI |
Rab38(unproven) | chtl | coat color | RAB38 (presumed) | |
000729 | Rd3 | Rd3rd3 retinal degeneration 3 | vision/eye, | RD3 Leber congenital amaurosis 12 |
012856 | Relb | Relbshep | metabolic, body size, | RELB |
Reln | Relnrl-4J | Size, neurological | RELN Lissencephaly 2 (Norman-Roberts type) | |
005544 | Robo3 | Robo3m1J | neurological, ataxia | ROBO3 Gaze palsy, horizontal, with progressive scoliosis |
004073* | Scn8a | Scn8amed-jo2J | neurological/behavioral: | SCN8A Cognitive impairment with or without cerebellar ataxia |
006446 | Sh3pxd2b | Sh3pxd2bnee nose, eyes, ear | craniofacial, size, | SH3PXD2B Frank-ter Haar syndrome |
003777 | Sil1 | Sil1wz woozy | mortality/aging, | SIL1 Marinesco-Sjogren syndrome |
004683 | Slc12a6 | Slc12a6gaxp | neuromuscular | SLC12A6 Agenesis of the corpus callosum with peripheral neuropathy |
006816 | Slc26a4 | Slc26a4pdsm | neurological/behavioral: | SLC26A4 Enlarged vestibular aqueduct Pendred syndrome |
008544 019114 | Slc45a2 | Slc45a2uw-6J | coat color | SLC45A2 Oculocutaneous albinism, type IV; (Skin/hair/eye pigmentation 5, black/nonblack hair); (Skin/hair/eye pigmentation 5, dark/fair skin); (Skin/hair/eye pigmentation 5, dark/light eyes); |
005962 | Slc45a2 (unproven) | uwl | ||
000648 | Soat1 | Soat1ald adrenocortical lipid depletion | integument | SOAT1 |
005717 | Sostdc1 | Sostdc1shk | teeth and hearing | SOSTDC1 |
012857 | Sox10 | Sox10M2J | pigmentation | SOX10 PCWH syndrome Waardenburg syndrome, type 2E, with or without neurologic involvement Waardenburg syndrome, type 4C |
Spna1 | Spna1sph spherocytosis Spna1sph-ha spherocytosis hemolytic anemia Spna1sph-3J spherocytosis 3 Jackson | mortality/aging, | SPTA1 Elliptocytosis-2 Pyropoikilocytosis Spherocytosis, type 3 | |
Spnb4 | Spnb4qv-10J | neurological | SPTBN4 | |
018072 | T | T11J | skeletal | T Neural tube defects |
021221 | Tl5 | Tl5 | skeletal | |
003148 | Tdo2 | Tdo2chky | pigmentation, eye defect | TDO2 |
008044 | Tmem67 (among other genes) | bpck bilateral polycystic kidney deletion region (multigenic mutation) | renal/urinary, nervous | TMEM67 COACH syndrome Joubert syndrome 6 Meckel syndrome, type 3 Nephronophthisis 11 (Bardet-Biedl syndrome 14, modfier of) |
014103 | Tmem79 | Tmem79m1J | hair | |
008834 | Tmie | Tmiesr-2J | neurological/behavioral: | TMIE Deafness, autosomal recessive 6 |
006013 007852 or 023018 | Tpotee teeny Tpotee-2J teeny 2 Jackson | endocrine, size, hearing | TPO Thyroid dyshormonogenesis 2A | |
012876 | Tpp1 | Tpp1m1J | neuromuscular | TPP1 type 2 neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis |
003612 | Trak1 | Trak1hyrt hypertonic | behavior | TRAK1 |
008832 025735 | Tshr | Tshrhyt-2J | growth/size, metabolism, sterility, hearing | TSHR congenital nongoitrous hypothyroidism type 1 |
013110 | Uchl1 | Uchl1gad-2J | neuromuscular | UCHL1 (Parkinson disease 5, susceptibility to) |
001607 | Unc5c | Unc5crcm rostral cerebellar malformation | nervous system, | UNC5C |
Ush1c | Ush1cdfcr deaf circler Ush1cdfcr-2J deaf circler 2 Jackson Ush1cdfcr-3J deaf circler 3 Jackson | neurological/behavioral: | USH1C Deafness, autosomal recessive 18 Usher syndrome, type 1C | |
006111 | Ush1g | Ush1gjs-2J | neurological/behavioral: | USH1G Usher syndrome, type 1G |
003095 | Vac14 | Vac14ingls infantile gliossis | behavior, nervous system, | VAC14 |
004626 | Vamp1 | Vamp1lew | failure to thrive | VAMP1 |
016098 018166 | Wnt7a | Wnt7apx-J | skeletal deformities of the digits and forelimbs, sterility, epidermal bulges | WNT7A Fuhrmann syndrome |
017748 | Xlhl | Xlhl | integument | |
005327 022138 | Zfp191 | Zfp191hmcns hypomyelinated central nervous system Zfp191hmcns-2J hypomyelinated central nervous system 2 Jackson | mortality/aging, behavior | ZNF24 |
Uncloned mutations | ||||
Unknown | agil | neurological | ||
021220 | Unknown | ahlg abnormal hind leg | neurological, growth/size, skeletal | |
000624 | Unknown | anx | neurological, behavioral | |
013782 | Unknown | aphl | skin and hair | |
005349 | Unknown | awag | neurological/behavioral: | |
008129 | Unknown | Bhrd | skin and hair | |
006157 | Unknown | baw | coat color | |
003818 | Unknown | bdd | skeletal | |
024009 | Unknown | blnt | development, tail | |
006448 | Unknown | Bolt | skeletal | |
005136 | Unknown | ctl | skeletal | |
003826 | Unknown | cub curly bare | hair | |
003398 | Unknown | dal | coat color, size, skeletal, | |
010822 | Unknown | dde | skeletal and eye | |
006274 | Unknown | Dfb | neurological, behavioral | |
006058 | Unknown | Dkd | skin and hair | |
012654 | Unknown | Dsht | skeletal | |
013084 | Unknown | Dts | skeletal | |
006429 | Unknown | Dwh | coat color | |
003485 | Unknown | frg | body size and | |
003606 | Unknown | frzl | hair | |
008296 | Unknown | fsq | neurological | |
012596 | Unknown | Hdlk | limbs, digits, renal, | |
007947 | Unknown | He | craniofacial, skeletal | |
006948 | Unknown | hstp | neuorlogical/eye | |
004070 | Unknown | hml hypoplasia of the membranous labyrinth | hearing/vestibular/ear, | |
Unknown | Hxl | skeleton, limbs, toes | ||
003922 | Unknown | jgl | skeletal, tail, | |
013121 | Unknown | Lootl | skeletal | |
004502 | Unknown | Lxl2 | limbs | |
003628 | Unknown | Mcub modifier of curly bare | hair | |
004806 | Unknown | Mfs | skin and hair | |
010637 | Unknown | oar | limb | |
008548 | Unknown | oda | pigmentation | |
013715 | Unknown | psds1l | skin and hair | |
012875 | Unknown | qvyr | neurological | |
Unknown | rslk | coat color, spotting | ||
005362 | Unknown | rul | hair | |
016196 | Unknown | Scs | skeleton | |
006247 | Unknown | sevr | size, skeletal | |
005482 | Unknown | Shar | skin and hair | |
Unknown | shmy2J | neurological | ||
008753 | Unknown | shsnshort snout | craniofacial, eyes | |
009156 | Unknown | skp | gait, size, fertility, | |
006057 | Unknown | sky | skeleton, limbs | |
006603 | Unknown | slck | hair and skin | |
016887 | Unknown | smrl | neurological, size | |
004476 | Unknown | snol | craniofacial, | |
Unknown | ssl | Neurological | ||
004507 | Unknown | stn | craniofacial, | |
005415 | Unknown | stpm | hair | |
006246 | Unknown | sunk | skeletal | |
006935 | Unknown | thnh | skin and hair | |
003400 | Unknown | Thpr | size, neurological, development | |
008425* | Unknown | Trl | Neurological | |
005323 | Unknown | tnyw | size, neurological | |
018138 | Unknown | Trms | neurological, wasting, | |
006425 | Unknown | Tsed | skeletal | |
Unknown | tth | neurological/behavioral: | ||
004416 | Unknown | twit | neurological, | |
023062 | Unknown | uslunsteady small lethal | neurological, size, developmental | |
006450 | Unknown | Vss | color and size | |
008048* | Unknown | wa1l | skin and hair | |
012625 | Unknown | wblo | neurological | |
005624 | Unknown | whe | eye | |
004620 | Unknown | Whll | moderate circler, | |
003397 | Unknown | Wtgr | Skin and hair | |
005274 | Unknown | Xls | coat color |