The Jackson Laboratory maintains and distributes chromosome-aberration stocks that provide mouse models for Down syndrome, as well as the study of chromosomal aneuploidy. With over 100 strains for the study of Down Syndrome and other chromosomal anomalies, the JAX® Mice Repository houses the largest collection in the United States. Each mouse autosome is present in at least two Robertsonian chromosomes,so that these stocks can be used to generate specific aneuploidies for each of the 19 mouse autosomes.
Obtaining mice
The cytogenetics and Down syndrome resource is funded by an NICHD/NIH contract; users are required to fill out a request form for mice. Please complete and submit the request form to NIH. Your order must be placed with our Customer Service Department by phone at 1-800-422-MICE or (207) 288-5845, or by fax to 207-288-6150.
How to cite this resource
This resource is supported by NICHD contract #275201000006C-3-0-1. Please reference this funding from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH in citations acknowledging use of the resource.